Sunday, January 17, 2010

Green T�r�, known as the Buddha of enlightened activity

Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha

Tara, whose name means "star" or "she who ferries across," is a Bodhisattva of compassion who manifests in female form. In Tibetan, Tara is known as "Dölma" (Sgrol-ma), or "She Who Saves." In particular she represents compassion in action, since she’s in the process of stepping from her lotus throne in order to help sentient beings.

blessing come in all directions, all that is found here is from the web. An Avatar of compassion, desire, love...if any of what is here belongs to you and wish it not shared please let me know. I will continue to look for you every where I go and to gaze at you're loving eyes for the truth.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lost in Taradise

From a tear drop of Avalokitesvara
You came to us -
Beautiful, tranquil, loving and kind,
Oh Tara,
In you I seek refuge.
We hide behind our masks
Of indifference or toughness,
We try hard to do the things
That gives us comfort;
We try to numb the pain
And to delay the time of death,
And yet some of us indulge
To hasten our own deaths.
We pretend that we can cope
When we are falling apart;
We avoid eye contact with each other
In fear of revealing our hearts.
Oh Tara,
In you I seek refuge.
We hide behind a façade of busyness;
Artists filling their canvases with paint,
Indignant activists fighting for change,
Designers showing off their latest creations
For those who live for trends,
Humanitarians desperately helping the desperate,
Not wasting a moment in just staying still;
Cruel dictators ordering soldiers to kill
Anyone that they regard as enemies;
Politicians prioritising popularity
Above their true conscience;
Confused and lost,
Some of us wander around
Hearing voices in our heads,
Some of us seek safety in our
Little worlds of self indulgence;
Collecting friends, admirers
Or inanimate objects.
Oh Tara,
In you I seek refuge.
How long do we have be like this?
How many lifetimes do we have to live
Before we find solace from this ocean of suffering?
Oh Tara,
In your loving smile
I seek refuge.

the teacher is pointing out that the difference only exists in the mind of the "unenlightened man" . The unenlightened man believes himself to be unenlightened. It's a difference in perspective.

Found comment on Youtube...w/love to whom wrote it