Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The killer in me is the killer in you
send this smile over to you

Pluto moves very slowly and therefore has a very dramatic effect on the Human Psyche and Civilizations.

As it approaches, it's going to get stronger and stronger like a dimmer turning up.

Pluto is connected with psychology. It was discovered in 1930, but it had been searched for at about 1900. Exactly the time that Sigmund Freud, the Austrian psychiatrist, and founder of psychoanalysis, started writing and releasing and publishing his works.

Pluto is very much the ruler of psychology. The word Sanity comes from the same root as the word Sanitize. Because what Pluto will do for all of us is to help Sanitize our minds from all the pollution we have been receiving.

The nature of Pluto is similar to that of the Hindu "god" Shiva. Pluto usually begins by breaking down a structure, and then creates a new one in its place. The entire of cycle of death, destruction and renovation is accompanied by tremendous powers, for Pluto is not a mild or even very subtle planetary influence. It brings decay at one level or another.

Pluto also rules the death and regeneration of the Self, as old aspects of your life pass away. Pluto does not represent death in the literal sense, instead it refers to a metaphorical death, or something that ceases to be.

You must willingly be crucified inside yourself and die on the inside to be reborn again. It's not that suffering is good, suffering has been built into the Universe you're going to have it just like you have pleasure. Suffering is not the problem. The resistance to it is the problem. To not be able to accept it for what it is. That's the problem.

Countries go through these great cycles. Seasons go through them, and so does the Human Psyche. And in psychological terms, Pluto represents what is known as the "Shadow Self". This is what we will all be dealing with as Pluto completes it's cycle during this next 5 years.

I'd like to thank Nuclear said everything I wanted
Pluto is very much tied to the human consciousness, It represents Death, Rebellion, and Change.